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Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

Andrew Jelley Opticians

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is state-of-the-art technology that allows us to look at the ocular tissues in much greater detail than ever before.

It is similar to an ultrasound of the eye but uses light instead of sound waves therefore giving much higher resolution images.

As we are able to see previously un-seen retinal tissues, we can detect abnormalities much sooner such as:


· Age-related Macula degeneration (AMD)
· Glaucoma
· Diabetes

· Hypertension



A lot of these conditions do not have symptoms and are not easily detectable with traditional examination techniques. However, 3D OCT is specifically designed to check for and detect them.

3D-OCT is quick non-invasive and completely painless. 3D-OCT is performed by our Optometrist who will analyse the images and discuss the findings with you there and then.

Our Private Eye Examinations include 3D-OCT imaging at no additional charge.

3D-OCT is not included in the NHS Sight Test but is available for a small fee of £26
Ask about OCT when booking your appointment.

·  Macula conditions, including:       
   Epi-retinal membranes.        
   Vitreo-macula traction
   Macula oedema
   Macula holes

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